A GROUP of Tamil speaking doctors are organising an evening of Indian classical music for charity.

Kannaiyan Rabindranath, a Tamil doctor who works as a specialist registrar in the renal unit at the Churchill Hospital has organised the evening, Shruthi 2009, in aid of the humanitarian crises in Sri Lanka.

He said he and colleagues Sivarajan Thandeeswaran, Sri Subramanian and Raja Jayaram hoped the evening would raise about £600 to help the victims of the war between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil rebels.

The money will go to Medecins Sans Frontiere, which is working to help an estimated 77,000 refugees who need urgent medical care.

Dr Rabindranath, who lives in Eynsham, said: “More than a quarter of a million Tamils have been left severely wounded, homeless and destitute.

“This is a war which has been fought completely out of the media attention, and the suffering is out of sight.

“What we want to show is that the suffering is out of sight, but it is not out of mind.”

The concert is in Eynsham Village Hall, on July 1. Tickets cost £20 and are available by emailing samuelrabi@hotmail.com