A MILKMAN fulfilled a lifetime ambition to jump 10,000ft out of an aeroplane, thanks to money raised by his customers on his daily round.

For the past few weeks, Tony Noble, 38, has been asking customers on his milk round to dig deep into their pockets and sponsor him to complete a parachute jump.

And yesterday, the father-of-three took the plunge for his first tandem jump.

His wife Tina, 36, and children Chantelle, 11, Phillippa , nine, and Kaitlyn, five, were all there to cheer him on.

Mr Noble said: “It wasn’t too nerve-racking and the weather was fantastic. It was an incredible experience.”

So far the milkman, who has been delivering to the villages of Stonesfield, Combe, Hailey and Ramsden for the past 14 years, has raised £3,800 for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Mr Noble said: “I have wanted to do a jump for some time but never got around to organising it, so I thought I might as well do it for charity. I had to raise a minimum of £400, which I was worried I wouldn’t reach, but the response has been incredible.

“I have asked all my customers to sponsor me, so a huge thank you to them.

“Marie Curie Cancer Care is a charity that most people can relate to — my own mother died of cancer some time ago.”