A HOUSEWIFE became so sick of what she saw as sleazy politics that she is standing in Thursday’s European elections.

Nonie Bouverat, a mother of four from Ditchley Road, Charlbury, has joined an umbrella group called the Jury Team –– a coalition of independent candidates who believe the party system in Westminster and Brussels is outdated and wasteful.

The 46-year-old said the MPs’ expenses scandal had spurred her into action by highlighting the “rotten state of party politics”.

She said: “I have never thought of doing anything like this. I always thought you had to be a professional politician to stand for election, but I think ordinary people need to stand up. The Jury Team is not a political party –– we don’t have a party whip behind us.

“We are just ordinary people who are disgusted with the state of politics. I would like to see any MP proved to have abused the expenses system deselected. I think it’s the only way to feel safe again. “I think we need strong voices in Europe. Running as an independent, I can talk to ordinary people to get they want.

“My husband always said I should go out and do something. My family are very excited and proud.”

The South East, which includes Oxfordshire, is represented by 10 MEPs –– four Conservatives, two Liberal Democrats, one Labour, one Green, one Independent and UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage. On Thursday, all 10 seats are up for grabs.

In 2004 –– the year of the last Euro election –– voter turnout in the UK was just 38.2 per cent. And it appears apathy is still a factor.

The Oxford Mail asked 50 men and women in Oxford whether they could name or recognise any of the South East’s current MEPs.

Only one person came up with a name — Mr Farage’s — while, looking at photographs, six people recognised Mr Farage, five Caroline Lucas, one Peter Skinner, one Sharon Bowles, one Nirj Deva and one Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne.

In total, 133 candidates representing 15 parties are seeking election to the European Parliament in the South East.

Eight live in Oxfordshire.

They are Niina Kristina, from Witney (Conservative Party), Gerald Lambourne, from Wallingford (English Democrats), Nonie Bouverat, from Charlbury (Jury Team), Catherine Bearder, from Oxford (Liberal Democrats), Gawain Little, from Oxford (No2EU: Yes to Democracy), Chloe Woodhead, from Bicester (Pro Democracy: Libertas.eu), Matthew Ledbury, from Oxford (Green Party), Philip Elst, from Ascott-in-Wychwood (UK Independence Party).