“I HAD the time of my life and I left on a high. The feeling I had on that stage, I was so grateful for it.

“I did that kind of thing when I was 14, those were the best years of my life.

“I was dancing, feeling free and letting go.

“To have lived a dark life and come out the other side to be given an opportunity to go on one of the biggest shows in the world is wonderful.

“My adrenaline was pumping, I was crying, and my emotions were up and down, but as soon as I got up there I loved it.

“People were expecting me to get my boobs out, but I think I surprised them and there were lots of people standing up and clapping at the end.

“I knew, and (judge) Piers (Morgan) knew, it was the end of the road. We knew it was going to end and I think I went out on a high.

“The day went really quickly. You couldn’t breathe — you were here and then you were there. I got to bed at 1am and had to be up at 5am so I’m looking forward to sitting down, relaxing and watching it back.

“I felt a million dollars and not even a cheque for £100,000 could have given me that feeling. I’ll always be eternally grateful to Simon Cowell for giving me a chance. I feel I couldn’t have done any better.

“The downside was the media and the hate campaigns on YouTube. People who don’t know me from Adam felt they could judge me, but that’s the name of the game. You’ve got to take the negatives with the positives. It’s a ruthless business and I’ve learnt a lot.

“I think in the showbusiness world there are highs and lows, but you’ve got to get on and ride it.

“I think it has made me a bit more feisty, but in a good way. My eyes have really been opened and it is such a learning curve.

“I’ve seen showbusiness from the other side and it’s quite daunting. I love my boy and I love being a mother and he’s my life at the moment. I admire these celebrities who have time for their children, but for me I miss my boy when I’m away from him and it’s nice to be home.

“Now I’m really looking forward to the final and I think Shaheen will win, or maybe Flawless.”
