BEA Bradley and Penny Little (Oxford Mail letters) say they are being confronted by an overzealous police force at illegal hunt meetings.

But with the same degree of force being dispensed at all political gatherings, it is time to question the purpose behind this rather sinister development within police ranks.

As we have seen in recent political circles, abuse of power is an evil corruption, and when it is happening at the expense of crime victims some severe action has to be taken.

While police activity is wasted on the trivial examples, there is a 15 per cent increase in burglaries, and thefts of car number plates.

Meanwhile, the owners of more than one million vehicles get away with having no road tax – it seems many of them are parked here in Headington.

All this crime, and the many acts of violence, rape and murder that are increasing, whatever police statistics say, is a direct result of absurd police priorities and unmitigated indifference.

MARIANNE KENDAL, London Road, Headington, Oxford