Sir – The latest copy of the Oxford Lib Dem Summertown and Wolvercote newsletter makes a great play on Oxford West MP Evan Harris calling for more transparency of MPs’ allowances in the past. If he felt that strongly about it, perhaps he was one of the few MPs not to claim expenses for a second home, although the newsletter does not mention whether this is the case.

In view of the scandalous behaviour of most MPs fleecing the taxpayers through taking unfair advantage of a loose and over-generous expenses package, I wonder whether Mr Harris would like to lead in campaigning for the abolition of the present system relating to second homes.

There is no case for any of the Oxfordshire MPs (or any others for that matter) claiming for second homes. The Oxfordshire MPs are only one hour away from Westminster and they already get generous travel allowances. Why can’t they commute like thousands of businesspeople, who, incidentally, have to pay their own train or bus fares out of already taxed income? If they have to stay overnight in London or travel to other parts of the country, there is no reason why they should not be able to charge expenses in line with normal business rates.

After the scandal, Dr Harris, like many other MPs, may need a good platform to get re-elected. What about a Get MPs off the Gravy Train campaign? I bet it would go down a storm.

It would be interesting to see whether the county’s other MPs would support it. I would.

Eddie Duller OBE Oxford