CHERWELL’s executive has been given a shake up and one new post created.

Cropredy councillor Ken Atack has joined the executive for the first time, taking on the post of performance management and improvement.

Debbie Pickford takes on the newly created portfolio of democratic services and member development to focus on councillors’ support, training and development.

Elsewhere the role of resources and organisational development has been merged and will be headed by James Macnamara.

Barry Wood, who retains the role of leader, also heads up policy and community planning.

Banbury’s Kieron Mallon stays as communications and public relations member and Nicholas Turner takes on customer service and ICT with special responsibility for tourism.

Norman Bolster stays put in economic development and estates, as does Michael Gibbard in planning and housing, and Nigel Morris looks after community safety and street scene.

Bicester’s Diana Edwards was appointed as the new chairman taking over from Andrew Fulljames.

Her chosen charities this year will be Banbury Alzheimer's Society and the Make a Wish Foundation for children.

George Parish has stepped into the role of deputy chairman.