Health chiefs were waiting for the results of more than 600 tests for swine flu as the tally of confirmed cases hit 13 in the UK.

The Department of Health announced four new cases in the south-west, south-east, north-east and Scotland including the first two people to fall ill without travelling to Mexico.

Graeme Pacitti, 24, from Polmont, near Falkirk, became the first person in the UK to test positive for the virus without travelling to Mexico after he came into contact with Iain Askham, who fell ill after his honeymoon in the Latin American country.

Later the Health Protection Agency announced that a 42-year-old man from south Gloucestershire with no history of travel to the country had fallen ill.

He is not thought to have had any contact with a 12-year-old pupil at Downend School in south Gloucestershire who was on the same flight at the Askhams and also has the disease.

South West regional director of public health Dr Gabriel Scally said of the 42-year-old: "There is no direct contact with Mexico and we are not sure how he acquired the virus. His symptoms are mild and he has been given Tamiflu and he's doing well.

"It would be better if we did not have person-to-person transmission, but we have had a few positive people now and they lead normal lives. We are trying our best to interrupt the transmission by asking people to avoid widespread contact and by giving them the correct medication."

Cases have now been confirmed in Newcastle, Scotland, Merseyside, Devon, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and London. All those in the UK who have contracted the disease appear to be suffering mild symptoms.

In Wales, 16 possible cases of swine flu have been ruled out and another 20 patients, all with mild symptoms and travel links to Mexico or the US, are being investigated, the Welsh Assembly Government said.

Sir Liam Donaldson, the chief medical advisor, said: "As the WHO (World Health Organisation) has already said, it considers a pandemic to be imminent. We must all continue to be vigilant and try to reduce the spread of the virus."