Sir – As a senior citizen, I note that Oxford City Council have today taken £257.46 from my bank account. They claim that this is monthly ‘council tax’.

In return, I get a collection of my rubbish (sorry, I meant to say ‘potential recycling materials’) every two weeks — provided, of course, that I’ve sorted it properly. Plus a bit of miserly street-lighting.

Oh, and they recently dug up the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Woodstock and Staverton roads, moved it temporarily 100 yards, then moved it back – to no one’s apparent advantage.

And I see that they have now appointed an ‘Arson officer’ at our expense. What’s he for? Am I supposed to call him for advice if I feel like setting fire to my neighbours’ cars? (Which, I hasten to state, I have no intention of doing). In this context, I find it extraordinary that there should be a debate in your columns as to whether senior sitizens should be allowed free bus travel.

A lot of us have contributed huge sums of money to the economy in tax — and continue to do so via tax on our pensions and savings.

I hope that I am not alone in feeling hugely smug when I clamber aboard the number 6 bus (when it comes) and don’t have to pay £1.80. Indeed, I think that there should be ‘Pensioners Only’ buses, with a complimentary glass of champagne served at every seat.

Nigel Clarke, Oxford