NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (Cert.15) 2007: Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin and Woody Harrelson Friday, May 15 at 9.00pm Plot: In short, a chase movie...

When a man stumbles on a bloody crime scene, a pickup truck loaded with heroin, and two million dollars in irresistible cash, his decision to take the money sets off an unstoppable chain reaction of violence.

Indeed, not even west Texas law can contain it.

Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac McCarthy, and featuring an acclaimed cast led by Tommy Lee Jones, this gritty game of cat and mouse genuinely takes you to the edge of your seat, right up to its heart-stopping final act.

And then there are all those Oscars...

But look out for Javier Bardiem (not that you could miss him) as assassin Anton Chigurh, one of the most compellingly disturbing characters since Norman Bates.