SeeSaw is a charity which supports children who are having difficulty coping with the death of a mother, father, sister or brother.

The charity was established in 2000 and is highly respected by Oxfordshire’s health, social care and educational professionals, who promote its services to parents of bereaved children.

It is estimated that one-in-25 school-age children have lost a parent, brother or sister.

A major bereavement is hard enough for an adult, but it can be extremely frightening and confusing for a child.

They too feel sadness, anger and pain, but may find it harder to understand and navigate their way through their many different emotions.

SeeSaw’s aim is to give bereaved children in difficulty the support they need, so that they can move forward and face the future with hope.

The charity does this by offering:

* Rapid response to families’ requests for advice and support;

* Telephone advice for parents, carers and professionals;

* Dedicated, tailored grief support to children where it is required;

* A programme of education and training for professionals such as teachers and nurses;

* A wide range of resources and literature for children and their families and any member of the community in need of information about grief support for children.

SeeSaw has a small team of paid specialist staff and also a team of highly-trained and supervised volunteer support workers.

The charity relies on donations from the local community, the corporate sector and charitable bodies in order keep its service going.

The charity has helped more than 1,500 children since 2000.

For more details, call 01865 744 768, or visit the website: