A £100M flood relief channel to protect Oxford could threaten plans to build a new school.

The Environment Agency is consulting about a scheme to build a 2km channel west of Oxford to divert flood water away from the city, right.

But a report to Oxfordshire County Council warns that if the scheme went ahead it would wreck future plans to create a new school at Bertie Place for New Hinksey School, currently on a cramped site in Vicarage Road.

The plan couldalso stop expansion of the Redbridge park-and-ride, said the officer’s report to the county council’s cabinet, which recommended that the EA’s flood strategy be supported in principle.

But it expressed concerns about the impact on land earmarked for future development.

The report says: “The corridor for the new channel affects the site earmarked in the Oxford Local Plan for a new primary school at Bertie Place.

“However, an alternative site for a new school to accommodate predicted growth in pupil numbers in west Oxford is being pursued.”

In recent weeks as part of the consultation, the Environment Agency has been holding a series of public meetings to explain its plans.

Geoff Bell, The EA’s area project manager, said: “The exact route of the channel is a long way from being decided and agreed.

“I can understand, from the point of view of the county council and some landowners, there might be some anxiety.

“But there needs to be detailed negotiation before we eventually go to the Government.”

He said major engineering challenges would include taking channel under the railway and the old Abingdon Road.