The husband of a former Didcot mayoress, who helped care for her disabled daughter, has died.

David Dineen, of Sinodun Road, Didcot, died suddenly on March 21, aged 68, after suffering a heart attack.

His wife of nine years, Janet Dineen, said he was devoted to helping his step-daughter, Sarah Swanborough, 23, who was born with severe disabilities, including brain damage, severe curvature of the spine and epilepsy.

Mr Dineen was born in Oxford and educated at St Joseph’s School in the city.

The couple met at a Burcot pub in 1999 and married in 2000 at All Saint’s Church, Didcot, with Miss Swanborough as bridesmaid.

Mrs Dineen said: “He was devoted to Sarah. He did everything with her. He wouldn’t go out unless she came with us. He was proud to walk down the street with her.

“He was with her all the time and he’d would spend all day cooking all different dishes for her just to see what she would eat.

“Sarah is very lost now. She sits in his place where he was and looks for him.”

His funeral took place at English Martyrs Church, Manor Crescent, Didcot, yesterday.