SUSANNA Pressel’s letter on the proposed leasing of a probation office in Mill Street, Oxford, (Oxford Mail, April 2) was disappointing to say the least.

She has just given new depth and meaning to the term scaremongering.

Her idea that hundreds of probationers and recently-released prisoners will be marching up and down Mill Street all day is utterly absurd.

Mill Street is not a quiet, residential “little street” as she claims. It has a pub half-way down and near the end are industrial buildings.

The probation office will be set up to help offenders and newly-released prisoners. I would not have thought these two groups would want to cause any problems. They will be there to get help and improve their lives.

Let me remind Susanna Pressel she is a Labour councillor and should be sympathetic to this new project.

If the Lord Mayor of Oxford wants to lead a few Mill Street ‘nimbys’ on an unjust protest, then, of all people, she should know better.

She is not reflecting the view of all of us in this area – and needs to be aware of that.

STEVE SMITH, Gibbs Crescent,Oxford