I WAS very pleased when Oxfordshire County Council agreed to provide an off-road cycleway on part of the wide pavement on the Woodstock Road between Frenchay and Bainton Roads.

The scheme included converting two pelican crossings to so-called ‘toucan’ crossings.

Councillor Ian Hudspeth (Oxford Mail, April 3) says that I attended the meeting at which this was discussed and did not raise any objections then.

At that meeting the total cost was given as £45-50,000.

But the scheme just implemented has cost £75,000, which is over half as much again. I would certainly have protested at that sum.

The overspend alone would have provided safety measures elsewhere – would that not have been a better use of taxpayers’ money?

JEAN FOOKS, County Councillor for Summertown and Wolvercote, County Hall, Oxford