SO, let me get this right: three times every hour, yobs are causing antisocial problems somewhere in Oxfordshire (Oxford Mail, March 28)?

Each crime you detail has a victim that affects, directly or indirectly, the county, if not the nation.

Yet, I notice, prominently and regularly displayed in the pages of our own Oxford Mail, that the police – who are ultimately responsible for preventing this mayhem – seem to have taken it upon themselves to go after not the yobs, but another group who have not affected anyone.

In fact, these groups have committed victimless crimes. They are the no-seat-belt users (including those caught in the Botley Road), and those recently using a rat-run through Headington to and from Sandford.

You could argue that the no-seat-belt-users are ultimately the authors of their own misfortune. Or, indeed, a good example of natural selection – but victimless criminals none the less.

As for the rat-run users, then their behaviour extends to, at worst, a bit of naughtiness.

Come on Chief Constable, what about a bit of proper policing, where valuable resources are concentrated on crimes with victims instead of victimless crimes?

After all, just who has been aggrieved in these cases? They are easy to solve, because offenders just walk into the trap, and they make for impressive figures with an instant penalty meted out. But I know what the public wants.

PETER LAIDLER, Anson Close, Abingdon