Oxford-based charity Oxfam is warning that a fifth of British citizens could need financial help because of the recession.

In a report entitled Close to Home, UK Poverty and the Economic Downturn, the charity, which has its headquarters in Cowley, warns that life will get much worse for the fifth of the population already living in poverty, and for millions more whose livelihoods are threatened by the recession.

Antonia Bance, Oxfam’s deputy director of UK poverty, said: “Bold action needs to be taken by the government to prevent a major rise in poverty here in the UK.

“Now, more than ever, it can’t be business as usual in the UK. The Government must help people living below the poverty line, as well as the growing number at risk of poverty in the Budget on April 22.”

The poll commissioned by Oxfam revealed that:

• 76 per cent of adults do not think that Job Seekers Allowance is enough to live on

• Only four per cent of adults surveyed think that the Government has done enough to help those that have lost their jobs

• 75 per cent of people say they, or someone they know, has had their working life negatively affected by the recession.

Oxfam is calling on the Government to adopt a six-point rescue plan, including cutting taxes for people on low incomes and raising benefits so that everyone, in and out of work, has a basic income that is enough to live on.

In the YouGov online poll commissioned by Oxfam, 1,971 adults were questioned last month.