It is the Easter Bank Holiday weekend and we all know what that means . . . Yes, it is quiz time. As an incentive to get the grey matter working, all correct entries will go into a draw to win a ticket to The Oxford Times Wine Club Dinner at The Corner Club on Thursday, June 4. Our theme is Chile and we are delighted to be showing some of the finest wines from the Viña Montes estate.

1. Morgon, Juliénas and St. Amour are all Crus in which French wine region?

a. Burgundy b. Beaujolais c. Loire d. Champagne 2. How many units are in a bottle of 13% abv white wine?

a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10 3. In wine-speak, what is ‘sekt’?

a. German grape variety b. German sparkling wine c. German term for an individual vineyard site d. Group of German winemakers 4. Which of the following grapes is not be permitted in a bottle of red Château Margaux?

a. Pinot Noir b. Cabernet Sauvignon c. Merlot d. Cabernet Franc 5.Which famous wine merchant was recently featured in the BBC4 documentary, Wine?

a. The Oxford Wine Company b. Tanner’s c. Laithwaites d. Berry Brothers & Rudd 6. Who famously said, “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.”

a. George W Bush b. Ernest Hemingway c. Winston Churchill d. Jo Brand 7. For what is Château d’Yquem most famous?

a. Sweet wine b. Red wine c. Fortified wine d. Sparkling wine 8. You are visiting the vineyards of the Minho, where in the world are you?

a. Chile b. Spain c. Argentina d. Portugal 9. Curicó, Casablanca and Aconcagua Valleys are to be found in which wine-producing country?

a. Chile b. Spain c. Argentina d. Mexico 10. White Sancerre is made from which grape variety?

a. Chardonnay b. Pinot Blanc c. Sauvignon Blanc d. Rielsing 11. In Portugal what is a ‘Quinta’?

a. The local term for the winemaker b. A wine estate c. A type of bottle d. A grape variety 12. Which famous organic vineyard in Chile did the Prince of Wales recently visit?

a.Viñedos Emiliana b. Errazuriz c. Las Lomas 13. Where would you go to visit the vineyards of Hawke’s Bay?

a. England b. Wales c. New Zealand’s North Island d. New Zealand’s South Island 14. Its origins are French but which country has made the red grape variety, Malbec, famous?

a. Chile b. Australia c. New Zealand d. Argentina 15. The next Oxford Times Wine Club Dinner will take place on Thursday, June 4, 2009, and we will be showcasing some of the top wines from Viña Montes. Montes makes wines in which two countries?

a. Australia and New Zealand b. Chile and Argentina c. Chile and Mexico d. Chile and France Send your answers in an email to by Thursday, May 7, 2009.

Do not forget to give your name and contact details.

Good luck.

Click here for The Oxford Times Wine Club offers.