IT WAS an evening of surprises for teenager Jake Spicer when he turned up for what he thought would be just a school party.

The 15-year-old, from Greater Leys, who has been battling a rare form of cancer for five years, knew his big- hearted friends had laid on a special ‘grime’ night on Thursday to raise money for charity.

What he did not know, was that as soon as the final school bell rang, 20 leather-clad bikers would roar into the playground of his school, St Gregory the Great, in Cowley, and hand him a special gift.

The Oxford Chapter of the Harley Davidson bikers group, which Jake has been an honorary member of since 2007, clubbed together and presented the youngster with a trip to Butlins, in Bognor Regis, for his family.

The young bike fanatic has been told the Ewing’s Sarcoma he was diagnosed with in 2004 is terminal.

But despite being in so much pain he has to take up to five shots of morphine a day, Jake stayed for the duration of the night of song, street dance and poetry.

Friends Ashley Mills, from Littlemore, and Jack Sims, from Blackbird Leys, both 14, spent two weeks organising the night to raise money for Over The Wall, a charity Jake has been supported by in the past.

Ashley said grime, a form of urban music derived from hip hop, was Jake’s favourite music.

He added: “He loves it, so we started with a grime song that was written about him called OX4 Soldier and then there was street dancing and poetry.

“We sold about 250 tickets at £1 each and we’ve been selling drinks and things so hopefully we’ll have raised a bit more.”

Mick Chambers, from the Oxford UK Chapter, said: “We had expected about two or three bikers to come, but 20 made the effort.

“We decided on Saturday morning we wanted to pay for Jake and his family to go to Butlin’s, put the call out, and it was paid for just like that.

“This is the esteem Jake is held in. He is an inspiration to us all.”

Jake’s aunt, Tracy Hutt, works at the school and helped organise the surprise.

She said: “Jake has good days and bad days, and although there have been more bad than good recently, he is a fighter.

“I think the whole family want to say a big thanks to the bikers and are just really looking forward to their break together now.“