IT WAS another excellent letter from R Lee, in Wednesday’s Oxford Mail, but he shouldn’t be too hard on George Galloway – though like him I too felt his Big Brother appearance was a mistake.

Mr Galloway raised a substantial amount of money for the Palestinians, and employed another worker in his own constituency.

It also led to him being on national radio, talkSPORT, every Friday and Saturday night.

Check Galloway’s expenses on the website and you will see he claims nothing in expenses – which is quite relevant today.

Mr Lee also complained of the lack of media attention that was given, or not in this case, to the aid convoy, Viva Palestina.

On the same day, the Oxford Mail had another letter full of right wing rubbish, blaming the unions for the demise of the British car industry, (by D Rothery), which was laughable.

The correspondent continued with his love of Maggie ‘There is no such thing as society’ Thatcher.

But doesn’t he realise, it was Thatcher who deregulated the banks and building societies that have led to the collapse of the capitalist system we see today?

We’re seeing thousands thrown out of work, and pensioners struggling, all because of “freedom fighters” like Thatcher. Politicians like her, (most politicians), give not a jot about ordinary people.

Does D Rothery include Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan, when he talks about defending the Queen’s country?

The Queen he is so quick to defend is a direct descendant of the German Saxe-Coburg Gotha family. The royal family changed their name to Windsor during the Great War to avoid their embarrassment.

Didn’t we fight the Germans in the Second World War as well?

He is quick and perfectly entitled to love, cherish and pull his forelock to the royal family, and destroyers of society, like Thatcher ‘the milk snatcher’, but we don’t all have to follow his serf mentality.

T W Siret, Eynsham