AS the manager of a shop in Headington, Oxford, and a resident of Risinghurst, I attended the recent public exhibition regarding the possible plans for the improvement of the area.

While I can see the advantages to some of the changes, there are, for myself and I suspect other businesses and shops in the affected area (Osler Road to Wharton Road), a number of questions that need answering – such as what proportion of the costings are the city’s two bus companies contributing?

According to at least one of the signs, the work is to allow faster bus travel through Headington.

I am happy to see vehicles travelling slowly past my shop – it allows passengers the chance to see what we offer. The last thing I want to see is them passing at a rate of knots.

I cannot see how buses travelling quicker will improve Headington, though I can see how this will improve the bus companies’ costs.

We also need to see a vastly higher amount of parking for visitors to Headington for shopping. This would improve the area.

What procedures will be put in place so that shops do not see the kind of reduction in business we saw during the redevelopment of the Green Road roundabout? I can see further shops closing otherwise.

What plans are being made to the junction of London and Windmill roads? I am fed up with the amount of time I get stuck in Windmill Road travelling to work (I need my vehicle during the working day), waiting while vehicles, including buses travelling into Oxford, block the junction, despite plainly seeing they cannot cross.

I am all for seeing improvements to Headington centre but it needs to be for all.

DAVID LINCOLN, (address supplied)