A barman accused of breaking into his next-door neighbour’s house with a knife yesterday told a jury he had feared for his life as the elderly householder punched him.

Gregory McCalium, of Queen’s Close, Botley, Oxford, told Oxford Crown Court he could remember little about the incident. The court heard on Wednesday that his 71-year-old neighbour Frank Corti said he hit the 23-year-old after discovering him in his house in August last year after he had complained to the police about noise McCalium and friends were making.

McCalium, who denies aggravated burglary, said he remembered deciding to walk to a nearby shop in the early hours. He added: “The next thing I remember is feeling a large amount of pain in my head. It felt like it had almost been smashed up.

“I opened my eyes and could see Mr Corti’s face very close to me, on top of mine. I could hear swearing and being told I was going to die and being hit. I remember thinking I was going to die.”

The case continues.