People struggling with household bills are being advised to put aside cash for Christmas now.

Oxford Citizens Advice Bureau is running sessions telling people how they can avoid taking out loans or having to use credit cards over the festive season.

The “Save Xmas” campaign also advises people on avoiding the danger of falling victim to a company collapse like Farepak’s.

Families attending a session at the CAB offices in St Aldate’s today will see a DVD describing the effects of the Farepak Christmas hamper fallout in 2006.

They will also be told the best ways to save, depending on their situation.

More free sessions will be laid on if there is demand.

Mother of six Helen Boore, who lost £900 when Farepak collapsed, welcomed the move. The 46-year-old, from Ladenham Road, Blackbird Leys, said: “It is a really good idea. Even if you have only one or two children, Christmas is an expensive time of year.

“If you save money, when it comes to Christmas it makes it so much easier – you don’t have to take loans out or use credit cards.”

The Save Xmas campaign was the brainchild of the Office of Fair Trading, following the collapse of Farepak.

CAB Oxford manager David Scott said: “In the present economic climate, with jobs at risk and low interest rates for savers, it is especially important that people save for specific purposes and plan ahead so that events like Christmas can still be times for presents and special food.”

CAB coordinator Cathy Brocklehurst said: “This is just so people are aware of their options for saving for Christmas. It is so they get something set up which is going to see them through.”

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