A £20,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the conviction of whoever killed Kevin Lavelle at a Banbury pub in June 2004.

Yesterday, Oxfordshire coroner Nicholas Gardiner recorded a verdict of unlawful killing following an inquest into the death of 29-year-old Mr Lavelle, right, from Merseyside. The inquest heard there had been a series of altercations between Mr Lavelle, his friend Marc Kirk, and a group of Welshmen staying in bed-and-breakfast at the Cricketers’ Arms.

They culminated in Mr Lavelle being fatally struck over the head with his own dumbbell bar.

No-one admitted seeing who struck the blows.

Mr Gardiner said: “All the witnesses seem to be trying to persuade me that this was a kindergarten sort of argument. It certainly was not.”

Det Insp Steven Duffy, said: “Someone must know who did that to Kevin and we are still determined to find out who is responsible. In those five years, loyalties change, associations change and guilt can play a great deal in these types of events and people will start to speak. Someone needs to get this off their chest.”

Thames Valley Police offered a £10,000 reward for information, which was matched by his family through the Kevin Lavelle Trust Fund.

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.