WITH deadlines being what they are, we – your intrepid reporters of-all-things-clubbing – are, I’m afraid, rather late in bringing you coverage of our St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans.

There were shenanigans aplenty to be found at the Purple Turtle this Tuesday night – though also a disappointing lack of green decorations and generously priced Guinness to really encourage that St Patrick’s Day feeling, and so we had to settle simply for the club night on offer. And let me tell you, there was not even the vaguest hint of compromise in that.

Recently rechristened, See U NXT Tuesday (formerly Ruby Tuesdays) is an unashamedly Brit Pop night. At your standard club night the only Brit Pop you’re likely to hear is Blur’s Song 2, or perhaps an Oasis number that’s more than likely to be Wonderwall, but with five hours to fill, these boys really go above and beyond to bring back that mid-Nineties feeling, and, amazingly, never have to sacrifice the dance floor to do so.

Before coming tonight I’d had my reservations. I had expected that a night specialising in a genre that had been dead for a long time couldn’t possibly appeal to the entirely student audience of the Purple Turtle; however, I was delighted to see that this didn’t seem to matter in the slightest. The students were enjoying themselves as much as I was, dancing their hearts out to the songs of years gone by which is a truly startling achievement for the DJs considering that most of the crowd couldn’t possibly have been old enough to remember the songs in their heyday.

This is because, in truth, the night isn’t about the music – it’s about the experience.

The nostalgia triggered by the flurry of wonderful songs leaves the clubber in the best possible haze of happiness, a delicious delirium brought about by the memories of childhood, of innocence and of fun.

It’s this aspect that makes cheese nights work, and it’s what makes this night work so well.

I’ve mentioned my disappointment concerning the lack of a St Patrick’s Day feel to the Purple Turtle on a night they really should have exploited to the absolute maximum, and I was angry that the club closed early (on not only one of the biggest drinking nights of the year, but also on one of my new favourite nights in town).

With See U NXT Tuesday at the Purple Turtle and the excellent Animal House at Po Na Na, the curse of the Tuesday night is well and truly broken.

To the clubbing fraternity of our fair city I say get yourselves down to See U for an unforgettable nostalgia-ridden trip, and to the boys who run the night itself, I quote the excellent EMF and their brilliant Brit Pop anthem: ‘you’re unbelievable!’