IRON lady Sharon Wilson is blazing a trail for women.

The mother-of-three, who set up her own ironing business in September last year after being made redundant from her job at Nationwide, has added another string to her bow by becoming a retained firefighter – the latest female recruit to join Oxfordshire’s fire service.

The 33-year-old, from Twyford, near Banbury, said: “I realised a career as a retained firefighter was a great option for me.

“The biggest benefit is being able to spend time with my toddler during the day and collect my sons from school while having the chance to earn some extra income and do something for the community.

“Although you are on call for a lot of the week, the reality is you may only be called out a few times.

“I’ve yet to go on my first call out, but pretty soon I could find myself having to put the ironing to one side to attend an emergency.

“My eldest son said it was stupid because I was a woman, but I think he’s getting used to the idea. I’ve told all my clients and they think what I’m doing is great.

“They even understand there might be a delay with getting their ironing back if I’m called out!”

Mrs Wilson, who will be on call six days a week between 7pm to 7am, signed up after attending a recruitment event in Deddington in September last year.

Now she is encouraging other women to do the same by talking about her experiences at a recruitment day at Kidlington fire station tomorrow.

She said: “These events give you the confidence to start seeing a career in the fire service as a realistic option – they are relaxed and informal.

“When I realised I could manage the physical stuff, I took away an application form.

“There’s nothing to fear from what’s traditionally seen as a bit of a macho profession.”

Anyone interested, male or female, in becoming a retained firefighter can drop into the station, in Sterling Road, anytime between 9am and 4pm, where they can try out the physical tests recruits have to pass, such as climbing ladders and equipment drills.

County councillor Judith Heathcoat, cabinet member for community safety, said: “Our fire service is particularly keen to attract applications from sections of the community who have not traditionally considered a career in the fire service as an option.

“Often, when you talk to women about becoming a firefighter they will say they are not strong enough or would not fit in.

“Recruitment events are a great way of challenging the reservations of people who may otherwise be very interested in becoming a firefighter.”