The stewards of the Meeting for the Australian Grand Prix have rejected a protest lodged by Renault, Ferrari and Red Bull against the legality of the cars belonging to Toyota, Williams and Brawn GP.

A wheel has yet to turn in anger in the new season, yet Ferrari, Renault and Red Bull all lodged separate protests against their rivals.

They said they believed Toyota, Williams and Brawn GP failed to interpret correctly the new ruling relating to the rear diffuser, a key aerodynamic component that governs the airflow beneath a car.

BMW Sauber also protested but that was thrown out by the race stewards governing this weekend's Australian Grand Prix on a technicality.

The stewards - Radovan Novak, Olafur Gudmundsson and Steve Chopping - after giving the cars the green light earlier in the day, threw out the protest.

Williams’ technical director Sam Michael said, ”We are pleased with the stewards’ decision and we have no further comment to make.”