Two out of four licensed premises in the Abingdon area failed an under-age alcohol test purchasing operation, police revealed today.

In the operation on Friday, underage teenage volunteers, accompanied by undercover licensing officers, went into licensed premises and off-licences and attempted to buy alcohol.

A member of staff working at Drayton Post Office sold alcohol to the volunteers.

He has been arrested and is now being dealt with by the Immigration Service for unrelated immigration offences.

A member of staff at the One Stop Shop in Wootton Road was also caught selling alcohol to the underage volunteers and received an £80 fine.

Thames Valley Police licensing officer Tony Cope said: “We are carrying out these operations throughout Oxfordshire to ensure proper procedures are in place.

“We will then help these premises to ensure all members of staff are trained correctly.

“If a licensed premises fails these operations three times, we then consider reviewing its licence and it can be revoked.”