AN ASPIRING Steven Spielberg has won a prestigious national film award for commercials.

Student film producer Dillan Gandhi, from Risinghurst, Oxford, was part of a team of talented young filmmakers which beat competition from more than 100 film schools to finish second in the Kodak Student Commercial Awards.

Mr Gandhi, 20, and his team of seven made a 30-second commercial called The Line Up for the children’s charity Barnardo’s.

Mr Gandhi and his team of undergraduates from the Bournemouth Arts Institute were surprised when judges gave them the best advert award in the charity category.

They were also overall runners-up in the award ceremony, which was held at The British Academy of Film and Television Arts in Piccadilly in London earlier this month.

The former pupil of Wheatley Park School, whose parents run Risinghurst post office, said: “In no way were we expecting to come first, we were just chuffed to be there.”