Sir – Over the years I have read many reviews of concerts, theatre, films and literature with which I have disagreed.

I have no problem with that. I do object however to sloppy and inaccurate reviews such as Maggie Hartford’s of Donna Dickenson’s book Body Shopping.

This book has won international plaudits, including from medical bodies and consultants, and certainly does not one-sidedly focus on ‘extreme cases’ to make its point as she claims.

A closer reading of the preface, let alone the rest of the book, will dispel that notion. ‘The other side of the argument’ is certainly addressed from page seven on. The issues concerning the ownership of body parts are much more far-reaching than merely the inconvenience of signing consent forms, as she seems to imply. The light regulatory touch that your reviewer seems to favour certainly hasn’t done us much good on the economic front — all the more reason now to distrust it in medicine!

Chris Britton, Beckley