Sir – You might expect that the rulers of Oxford city would be proud to have in Oxford the most famous university library in the world, and would give it the support it so richly deserves.

But this is Oxford where its rulers pursue their own somewhat fanatical agendas, often to the detriment of the academic institutional and commercial ratepayers who pay their costs and index-linked pensions. The Bodleian offered Oxford a £28m environmentally-friendly investment which would have brought much needed help to the local hard-pressed construction industry, and would have provided long-term skilled employment.

Having been turned down by the city rulers, you might have thought that the district douncils of Oxfordshire would have queued up to get such an attractive inward investment. Apparently not. Good luck to more enterprising Swindon.

For The Oxford Times to describe the Oxford decision as a “snub to Oxford” shows how out of touch with reality it is.

Julian Blackwell, Appleton