Sir – We have just been celebrating another successful OxClean weekend but, if my experience on Saturday morning is anything to go by, we might as well not have bothered.

Walking past Oxpens Meadow I was appalled by the amount of litter scattered all over this lovely green oasis near the city centre. Most of the litter had been left by the early-evening picnickers and the late-night revellers.

I found three orange Sainsbury bags on the ground and filled them with Domino’s pizza boxes, McDonald’s bags, cans of lager, and other detritus from unidentifiable sources. I could have filled many more bags and my efforts made only the smallest inroad into the rubbish.

Our local residents’ association – Sendra – has applied to the county council to have Oxpens Meadow designated as a town green so as to ensure that this wonderful space remains available to the people of Oxford for informal recreation in perpetuity. We care for our meadow; we don’t throw litter on it.

Why is it that some others appear to be unable to enjoy the meadow without abusing it? In sorrow.

Rosemary Fennell, Chairman, Sendra, Oxford