ROGUE trader Adam Bickford is one of society’s low lifes.

The 22-year-old builder charged a vulnerable pensioner almost £5,000 more than the going rate for a simple roofing job.

In court, the con artist admitted a charge of fraud by false representation.

He worked for family firm Abbaseal (UK) Ltd, based in Botley, which was thrown out of the Federation of Master Builders in 2007 because their work was not up to scratch.

Abbaseal had featured on the BBC television show Rogue Traders in October 2007 when undercover reporters challenged the firm for charging a pensioner £600 to mend one slipped roof tile.

Ironically, Abingdon pensioner Leslie Evans had parted with an eye-watering £7,167 for roofing repairs the day he settled down to watch Rogue Traders — and only realised he had been duped when he saw Bickford’s smirking face on the box.

Bickford will be sentenced in May. We hope the judge dealing with the case throws the book at him and makes him give back every penny he effectively stole from Mr Evans.