“USE it before you lose it” is the message from campaigners calling on Oxford residents to enjoy a walk around the city’s Green Belt.

The Oxfordshire branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England is holding a walk and rally as part of their Hands off Oxford’s Green Belt campaign, which is being launched this week.

The group is opposed to Oxford City Council’s plans for an urban extension of 4,000 homes on land south of Grenoble Road.

And they are also concerned that South Oxfordshire District Council is to review the Green Belt for development around Berinsfield and Wheatley.

Campaigners will send out 1,500 campaign leaflets this week inviting people on the walk including city council leader Bob Price — one of many city councillors who believe the Grenoble Road development is the best way to cure Oxford’s chronic housing shortage.

Campaign manager Dr Helena Whall said: “I’m confident there’s going to be a good turn out.

“We’re inviting Bob Price and other city councillors because we want them to see how much support there is for the Green Belt and how much opposition there is to the Grenoble Road development.

“We want them to come out and see the Green Belt themselves and see why it’s so valuable before they give their support to the development.”

The event it also being used to publicise the 50-mile circular Green Belt walk which campaigners created to run through some of Oxfordshire’s most historic and picturesque villages in July 2007.

Organisers hope hundreds of people will turn up for the two-mile half-hour walk from Shotover Hill to Horspath Village Hall which will be led by former Thames Valley Tonight presenter and Sandford-on-Thames resident Wesley Smith.

Henley MP John Howell will also join in and afterwards address the rally in Horspath to reiterate his commitment to protecting the Green Belt.

Dr Whall said: “We want to get as many people to come along to this as possible and enjoy the fresh air and scenery.

“A lot of people don’t know the Green Belt exists and that it is there to protect them from urban sprawl.

“We are very lucky in Oxford as a lot of cities don’t have such an amenity on their doorstep and people should get out and use it.

“There is a health aspect to the walk but the main message is use the Green Belt before you lose it.”

The walk takes place on Sunday, April 19, at 3pm with the rally following at 4pm.
