A PAIR of friends paraded through Oxford city to encourage people to give their spare change to charity.

Siobhan Maycraft, 21, and Becky Stone, 20, who studies at Oxford Brookes, started their tour of three cities in Oxford on Saturday.

The friends aim to get £1,000 worth of pledges from people who are willing to collect loose change and donate it to charity.

Miss Maycraft and Miss Stone marched down Cowley Road to Cornmarket Street, dressed in pink, playing instruments and singing.

Miss Maycraft, who lives in Southend, said: “This was our first parade so we were quite nervous.

“It was fantastic as there were massive crowds and lots of good reaction and pledges.”

The women, who are trying to survive on £2.16 a day between them — the amount of loose change that they believe the average person carries — visited Birmingham on Sunday and London on Monday.

For more information, visit pledge4change.org.uk.