I WAS horrified to see your insensitive and damaging sub-headline (Oxford Mail, March 17) – Schizophrenic drug addict’s trail of terror.

You would not highlight any other illness in this way.

The way in which this crime was reported is nothing short of sensationalism.

Compared with the general population, people who suffer from schizophrenia and commit crimes are very much in the minority.

Your newspaper, reporting such crimes in this way, does enormous damage to those of us who are working so hard to combat stigma.

Most people who suffer from schizophrenia are very shy and nervous, some are working, others may have university degrees.

Many are doing useful activities, but there are those who, because of stigma, will not seek help or go to their GP and as a result will not get treatment, financial support or a chance to get their lives back on track.

The effect on their lives and families is enormous. Stigma to these people means isolation and loneliness.

You really do need an enlightened attitude.

Mrs Pat Ross, Oxford Mind carers support group, Bowness Avenue, Headington