JOHN Letts’ representation both of what has happened regarding the future of Cogges Manor Farm in Witney, and of the relationship between the County Council and the Community Enterprise Group is incorrect (Oxford Mail letters, February 27).

Firstly, the council’s position on the way forward for Cogges Farm has not changed.

At the public meeting last November, John Jackson, director for social and community services at the council, made it clear that, although the vision and values contained in the Community Enterprise Group’s were more attractive to the council than the proposals of the two (not 20) commercial competitors, their business plan as it stood was flawed.

He also laid out the intention to create a new stand-alone trust to take on responsibility for the running of Cogges Farm, and to do so in a way which achieved the vision and values of the Community Enterprise bid. That intention was confirmed by the council’s cabinet.

While it may have been suggested in the media at different times that the council was going to hand over the running of Cogges Farm to the Community Enterprise Group, that was not the case and we have sought to correct such inaccuracies when we can.

Secondly, although Mr Letts signs himself as a member of the Cogges Community Enterprise Group, his views are very much at odds with those expressed by the group’s leading members. For he is quite wrong to assert that the group are not involved in this work.

On the contrary, representatives of the group are working closely with the council to establish the new trust and to plan for the handover to the trust in April 2010.

They have made it clear that they value the inclusion of their members in the process, which they have described as inclusive and open.

Richard Munro, Head of Community Services, Oxfordshire County Council