THE father of a teenage victim of an unprovoked assault said he was disappointed with the sentence handed out to his attacker.

Julian Carlin’s son Adam, 18, underwent reconstructive surgery on his face after he was attacked by Tony Reddington, 19, in Carterton in March last year.

Since then the eyesight in his right eye has deteriorated and he has to wear glasses.

Reddington, of Latimer Road, Carterton, pleaded guilty to the attack – and on Friday was sentenced to eight months in a youth offender’s institution by a judge at Oxford Crown Court.

Mr Carlin, 43, said: “The case originally went to Witney Magistrates’ Court and they said it was so serious they couldn’t sentence him for long enough.

“So when the judge said eight months, we were a bit upset. We thought he would get a lot longer than that.

“Adam was quite badly affected by the attack and I know he was extremely distressed by the result.”

Mr Carlin said the past year waiting for the trial had been very hard on his son and the family.

He said the family would not pursue a civil case against Reddington for the permanent damage caused to their son’s eye.