I MUST take up Barrie Finch’s point in his letter “Senior Citizens face an even longer wait before they get any protection from discrimination” (Oxford Mail letters, March 3).

In my case, at least, I was referred, operated on at the plastic surgery ward at the JR and back home, all within six weeks.

During that time, I was taken care of by several teams of nurses and doctors, all of whom were professional and kind. All the ancillary staff, from cleaner to welcome tea boy, were helpful and caring. There was no ‘ism’ anywhere.

In recent weeks, I have attended both the JR and the Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital with a relative for out-patient treatment.

On neither occasion were we left to wait very long or treated in any way other than kindly.

The only bugbear was the parking (at the NOC). Surely the powers that be should have realised when planning all the beautiful new buildings, orthopaedic patients will almost certainly be disabled in some way, so where are the disabled parking places? They are very few and far between. We looked for at least 20 minutes and finally parked halfway on the kerb.

I know the outside areas have not been completed but I think green space should be given up for parking. Most of it is awash with ruts and puddles anyway.

MARY STIFF, Corunna Crescent, Cowley, Oxford