OXFORDSHIRE’S coroner’s officers have been recognised for their hard work and dedication.

The five-strong squad won a team award at the Thames Valley Police Shrievalty Merit Awards 2009 last week.

The award can be made to any individual or team employed by the police force.

The Cumnor-based officers help with the investigation of suspicious and unusual deaths across the county.

Over recent years, the team has also dealt with high profile military deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Ruth Rees, team leader for Oxfordshire Coroner’s Office, said: “We’re all delighted with receiving the award and the recognition.

“The team has worked incredibly hard over the past couple of years, dealing not only with Oxfordshire deaths but with military deaths repatriated from Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I’m very proud of my team who have continued to offer a highly professional and quality service to the bereaved in spite of challenging circumstances.”

Oxfordshire coroner Nicholas Gardiner said: “I was absolutely delighted when they got the award.

“They have been working their socks off recently — they’re a really good team.”