ECO-TOWN campaigners have ridiculed a Government report suggesting Weston Otmoor is financially viable.

Weston Front said the report by the Communities and Local Government Department was flawed as it used figures provided by developer Parkridge.

It says the major issues over the cost of infrastructure on schools, roads and health services have not been resolved between the developer and local authorities.

Campaigners also say the report does not confirm the cost of the land or clarify how charging families to take their cars on or off the site would affect house sales.

Kidlington parish councillor Andrew Hornsby-Smith said: “This report flies in the face of independent reports that say the scheme is unsustainable and unworkable.”

Keith Watson, chairman of Bicester Chamber of Commerce, said: “The report fails to state that if the new town goes ahead it would be at the expense of much needed economic development of Bicester and Kidlington.”

The financial study estimated the 15,000 home eco-town would cost £4.1bn to build.