Professional dancers used Oxford city centre’s most picturesque locations as a backdrop for the latest stage of this year’s Dancin’ Oxford festival.

The festival, which is backed by the city council, Oxford Playhouse and the Pegasus Theatre, began in February and runs until the end of the month.

On Saturday, choreographers Ruth Pethybridge, Fiona Millward, Nickeley Burke and Cecilia Macfarlane staged dances at Carfax, High Street and Brasenose Place in the event called Site/Seeing.

Claire Thompson, the city council’s dance and theatre officer, said: “This is the third year of the Dancin’ Oxford festival and the events are becoming increasingly popular every year — they are generally very well attended and I think that shows there is a real interest in dance.

“There were 17 dancers for the Site/Seeing event, including four Latvians.

“Two weeks ago, there was a danceathon with taster sessions for 13 different styles of dancing including ballet, contemporary and hip-hop.”

On Sunday afternoon, Dancin’ Oxford also organised a family tea dance at the Lord Nuffield Club in Cowley.