Police have issued a warning on car crime as the weather improves.

With summer just around the corner, police said there was a tendency to become complacent when it came to car security.

Crime reduction advisor Jayne Taylor said: “It is when we let our guard down that we are at our most vulnerable.

"Our advice is common sense really, but we find that during the warmer weather it is easy to forget and adopt a carefree attitude. People can become complacent when it comes to car security.

“Don’t leave any items on display – always take them with you when you leave your car, and if you can’t, then lock them in the boot, out of sight.”

She added: “Satnavs – and their mounting cables – are a particularly tempting target for thieves. Always take valuable items like this with you, and be sure to wipe away any suction cup marks from the windscreen.”