YOUNGSTERS jumped at an invitation by the Oxford Mail, to record special Mother’s Day messages.

Video reporter Tom Shepherd visited North Kidlington Primary School, Windmill Primary School in Headington, and the Tesco supermarket at the Oxford Retail Park in Cowley, to compile a montage of smiling faces and messages for Mothering Sunday .

His five-minute video will be broadcast from midnight at From our home page, simply click on the ‘video’ link and it will be the first film to pop up.

Nine-year-old Jodie Meeson, of Quarry School Place, Oxford, was keen to record a message.

She said: “My mum means everything to me.

“I’m going to give her a nice card and lots of chocolates.”

Friend Jenny Milne, nine, of York Road, was also enthusiastic. She said: “My mum’s the best mum in the world. I’ll try to be good, and I hope she has a nice day.”

Sean Giles, nine, from Wood Farm, recorded a Mother’s Day message at Tesco.

He said: “My mum means a lot to me because she gets me a lot of stuff.

“She’s the best and I want to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’.”

Oxford’s Jericho Living Heritage Trust, meanwhile, is offering children the opportunity to give their mums a special day out.

It is showing a private screening of the very first episode of Inspector Morse, The Dead of Jericho – which was filmed in Jericho in the 1980s – at the Phoenix Picturehouse, in Walton Street, on Sunday.

The film starts at 1pm, with an introduction by Inspector Morse author Colin Dexter, followed by a drinks reception at Freuds Café, also in Walton Street.

For tickets, call 0871 7042062.