AM I alone in feeling revulsion at the sight of green custard being thrown over Peter Mandelson?

Similar childish episodes have occurred in Oxford. In 2005 Jeremy Clarkson had a meringue pie splattered in his face by the Green party.

Mark Lynas also shoved a baked Alaska into the face of a visiting Danish scientist, who had written a book whose views did not coincide with that of his own.

My concern is that if the contents of these joke dishes were to be accidentally inhaled into the lungs, they could cause pneumonia and death.

Furthermore there is also the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients leading to anaphylactic shock and possible death.

Isn’t it time these Greens grew up? There must be a more sensible option of presenting their views, without resorting to these clownish gestures.

A BYWATERS, Southfield Park, Oxford