BRING back Wesley and the friendly girls to Central News.

He was popular, a gentleman, articulate and was a friendly well-known face.

I used to be able to ring the news desk directly in Abingdon and speak to an affable local person. But now the phone is eventually answered by a total stranger halfway across the country.

I once took one of my mini-creations to the back door of Central News in Abingdon to do some filming, and was met by Wesley.

“Got a kettle inside Wes?” I asked. He confirmed that he had, and I asked him to make a brew for my mate and myself as I was gagging for a nice cuppa.

He reappeared five minutes later with two cups of hot tea, which he had made for us himself.

How many other presenters would have done that? Probably none.

Still, the big boys in power at the top seem not to listen to their viewers anyway, so I presume nothing will change – which is a pity.

TONY ANCHORS, Drake Avenue, Didcot