WHAT has happened to our local television news channel?

When I switched on to what is now Meridian, thought I had switched on the Rocky Horror Show, fronted by the Munsters!

Compared to the visually pleasing Wesley, Mary and Hannah, these two would most certainly frighten the horses. They certainly startled me – however, I’m sure they are both very nice individuals.

But why the change? Did I miss the explanation? Was there one? I don’t remember any reason being given.

The news content is so boring – and what, and where, is Meridian?

It was bad enough when Central News mutated into Thames Valley and we had to listen to what was happening in places like Basingstoke. We missed out on all things going on in Gloucestershire as well as Oxfordshire, and instead, got news of events in far flung Hampshire. But at least we kept our delightful presenters.

So, where are Wesley and co? Why did we lose them all so suddenly?

I can’t bear to watch Meridian, except to catch Simon with the weather forecast and then I turn on the Oxford news on BBC 1.

I cannot be the only viewer who is truly disappointed with this latest change. Are there any other changes for the better in the pipeline? I do hope so.

Come back Central News, all is forgiven.

IRIS RAMKISSOON, Wootton Road, Abingdon