In recent years, koi carp have become increasingly popular in large garden ponds. Their beautiful colours make them a highly-attractive feature and they are hardy and relatively easy to look after, making them within the reach of most people.

Koi have fascinated Robert Smith and Lewis Barber since they were teenagers together at Burford School.

But, unlike most boyhood fascinations, they have developed their interest to such an extent that they are on the point of opening a business dedicated to koi, providing not only the fish but the tanks, equipment and sound advice needed to keep them.

Mr Smith, 19, said: “We have both been interested in koi for about five years, and we became so involved that we started inquiring about setting up our own tanks.

“Now we have a selction of tanks and have leased premises to set up the business.”

Significantly, the duo recently travelled to Nagata in Japan to hand-pick 66 top-quality fish to add to their collection, which now totals more than 300.

Mr Smith and Mr Barber have invested a total of £20,000 in Cotswold Koi, including the fish, tanks and filter systems, with the cash mainly coming from their own savings and the generosity of their families and friends.

The business will officially open on April 10, from its Cotswold barn at a farm near Burford, and will operate every day until April 19.

After that, it will only be open at weekends and Bank Holidays, as Mr Smith and Mr Barber both have full-time jobs to hold down until, hopefully, they can concentrate on their new venture full-time.

Mr Smith works as a carpenter with building firm Alfred Groves based at Milton-under-Wychwood, while Mr Barber is a landscape gardener at Kelmscott.

“I am hoping it is going to go well, as we have put a lot of money into it. It is a very exciting time,” said Mr Smith.

o Contact: 07894 341605/07766 168061.
