RICHARD BELL is floored by the great tunes and good times at Baby Love’s Narcissists.

SO IT’S the last week of term for Oxford students, it’s a Wednesday night and they quite rightly want to let off some steam, and boy are they letting off steam.

Wading through a thick fog of energy and sweat in equal parts, I join the massive throng of dancers, and instantly it’s clear everyone has been dancing since the first track of the night, and has no intention of stopping until the last.

Occasionally one or two will break from the pack to run to the bar and grab a couple of beers before immediately piling back in.

Everyone is drenched in sweat, their perfectly turned out hairstyles sticking to their foreheads in a tragic mess but not one of them cares, their faces either wearing huge smiles or open mouths panting for oxygen.

Baby Love may be a cocktail bar, and while it’s a shame that there’s no beer on draught, the drink options are redundant tonight. No one cares about the drinks and why the hell should they? Tonight is about music.

The DJs provide a blistering set, gliding effortlessly between filthy electro and brilliant indie tracks, into a storming eighties set and back again with the crowd loving every second, and me along with them.

I’m not a dancer, and without a large dose of liquid courage nothing is usually able to coax me into humiliating myself – but tonight I couldn’t care less, and I’m all over that dance floor.

Sorry to keep banging on about it but the music really is awesome, and the night has gained a terrific reputation which has brought exceptional guest sets, Abort Retry Fail, TJ Hertz and Foals all seeing fit to grace the decks of Narcissists.

However, the allure of the night is, I suspect, not the music itself.

The reason people keep coming back is because of the fun they have wildly dancing with all their friends at the coolest night in town.

It’s not perfect, I’m not all that keen on the venue, I don’t like the lack of draught, and the bottles can lead to it being quite an expensive night, but none of that really matters. Narcissists is a night of exceptional music, effortless cool and enormous fun, and thoroughly deserves its formidable reputation as the best indie dance night in Oxford.