Oxford West and Abingdon MP Dr Evan Harris will today support a new parliamentary bill aimed at ending fuel poverty.

The bill is scheduled for a second reading debate in the House of Commons.

Dr Harris said: “This is real action from the Liberal Democrats to help people struggling to heat their homes.

“But it needs the votes of MPs from all parties in Parliament to ensure it gets through.

"This winter, millions of people across Britain are struggling to afford to heat their homes, including four out of five single pensioners.

"The Fuel Poverty Bill being proposed by Liberal Democrat MP David Heath would deliver a massive home insulation programme, which would halve the energy needed to heat the average home.

“And it would end the scandal of those with pre-pay meters paying higher rates for their gas and electricity.”

Dr Harris said the bill had the “enthusiastic support” of organisations who represent the vulnerable, from Age Concern to Disability Alliance and the Child Poverty Action Group.

He added that it would also cut harmful carbon emissions and has the strong backing of environmental campaigners including Friends of the Earth.